Wednesday, March 31, 2010

From Another Planet

I know, I know. I have been stacking on my blogging duties again. I suddenly found myself on the planet "Making A Living Takes Up All My Spare Time". Even as I write this I am scarfing down a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so that I can hurry off to go grocery shopping. On my planet we don't eat, we scarf, so that we can rush to do the next task, and IT NEVER ENDS.

I have been spending a lot of time it work, and so there is some speculation as to what Bear does all day when me and Mike are gone. I know she goes places she is not supposed to be like on the couch and the futon. I know this because of the pile of hair and the tousled blankets, BUT I CAN NEVER CATCH HER IN THE ACT. I have been close before, because I have felt the warm spot where she was laying on the couch, but she is just too damn sneaky. Other than being sneaky, she is probably really bored at home alone. Mike and I have considered leaving the t.v. on for her because SHE WATCHES TV. I don't mean she glances at it when she walks past. I mean, when Mike and I get ready to watch a movie SHE GETS READY ALSO.

Here is Bear in her favorite place right in front of the t.v. I keep telling her she is going to ruin her eyes, but she never listens.

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