Friday, April 22, 2011


Everywhere you go these days it's almost impossible to avoid advertising. Billboards, commercials, fliers, pop-ups. They're everywhere! I have always disliked aggressive advertising and selling. Notice I said "aggressive". A little advertising never hurt anyone, but when it's taken to the extreme, I have a problem. When a person is pressured to buy something they can't afford or don't really need, that is taking it too far. I also think it is taking it too far to use tricks to get people to buy. Tricks can be anything from packaging food in a color package that makes a person hungry to downright lying about a product. I know there are laws that are supposed to prevent false advertising. But from my experience, people like to ride the fine line between false and true or even cross the line completely and try to get away with lies.

I don't believe for a second that we are living in a perfect world where there is not false advertising or greed for buying or selling excessively. But I do believe there is always something we can be doing to better the world and ourselves. Like, if you have a business, don't only be concerned with the bottom line of how much money you are making. Be concerned with your employees and giving back to charity and making sustainable, eco-friendly products, and being fair in your business practices. If you are only one person, think about what you really need before you buy. Try not to waste what you have and if you have extra, give to others. I know it is hard to ignore the barrage of advertising out there, but the more people choose to ignore it, the less effective it will be. Thus, it will die out. I think less advertising and buying is a goal we should all strive for.

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