Thursday, May 13, 2010

Working On My Man Skills

It's amazing how fast the days go by when you have to come up with something to blog about. Since I am not like every other woman my age in Utah, I can't blog about just giving birth to my THIRD child. Oh yes, I read other blogs and no less than FOUR of them are mothers my age who are on their third child. Oh well, I guess my day will come if I ever conquer the greatest evil ever created - health insurance. For now I will blog about my adventures with lawn mowing. Tantalizing, isn't it? Today I decided to mow the lawn for the first time in MANY YEARS. I really have no problem with mowing besides the the whole sweating thing and the possibility of sunburn. However, I grew up as the only girl in a house of three brothers. Any physical labor was alway differed to the boys first. Even though I know this is sexist, I had no real problem with it until I grew up and I didn't know how to fix a car or work a lawn mower. Yes friend, as I write this the lawn is still not mowed because I COULDN'T START THE MOWER. I'm not sure if this has something to do with my weak, flabby arms or with my lack of lawn mower knowledge. Ether way, I must now wait for my man to return home from work to show me how it is done. I may be weak in the "boy skills" department, but let me tell you I can sew a mean quilt.

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