In spite of being insanely tired from long hours at work, I risk personal injury and sanity to bring you this post. Appreciate it.
There may be a great many things in this world that I am somewhat good at. Mechanics is not one of them. The only reason my car has survived the four years I have had it is because I have a dad who is incredibly good at mechanics and who scolds me severely every time I forget to do something for my car. It goes something like this -
Me: "My car needs an oil change. I think it has been about 50,000 miles since the last one."
Dad: "What! You need to change your oil every 5,000 miles or blah blah blah flabbity jabbity your car will explode!"
Ok, so this is not exactly what his says, but it is what I hear because when he starts to talk "car speak" I have no idea what he is talking about. So I tune him out until he gets to the part about all the bad things that can happen to my car.
Car blowing up - Paranoia 367
Listening to my dad talk about cars for hours - Paranoia 368
You would think since I have a schedule for cleaning my bathroom, doing laundry, and vacuuming, that I would have a similar schedule for car maintenance since my life literally depends on it. Nope. Once in a great while I remember to check the tire pressure or the wiper fluid. That's about all. Half the time I even forget to put gas in it until the gas light comes on. I figure as long as it is not making any strange noises I am good to go. What can I say? I like to live on the edge.
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