Friday, April 16, 2010


Is it just me or has credit gotten way out of control in America? Just saying. Why are we BILLIONS or even TRILLIONS of dollars in debt? (I lost count long ago.) The reason is, we need to buy EVERYTHING on credit. I don't mean necessities like toilet paper and milk. I mean designer handbags, electronics, jewelry, and clothes. MY GOD THE TONS AND TONS OF NEEDLESS CLOTHING! And what is it all for? To keep up with the Joneses. Everyone else is doing it. We are all like a bunch of spend-happy high-schoolers, yet the worst part is, WE NEVER GROW OUT OF IT. Americans seem to be unable to deny themselves anything. As long as they really want, they will find a way to get it, meaning credit.

I will admit that not everyone uses credit for excess. Some people have to use it just to get buy. We are a society based on money. Without money, you die. Think about it. If you didn't have any money, how would you get food, clothing, shelter? Grow it? Make it? Beg for it? Begging seems to be the only option since most people in America don't know how to grow food or build a house or sew clothing. So you are now begging and living off the generosity of other people. What if other people aren't feeling so generous?

Mike and I recently watched a show called Meet The Natives where members of a "primitive" island tribe came to America to find out what it is like here. While here, they met a homeless man. They commented about how no money in America means death. In their tribe, everyone works together for the good of the community, and if someone can't take care of themselves, everyone else helps to take care of that person. I wish we could be more like that in America. I'm not talking about communism, or social security, or welfare. I'm talking about just having more concern and compassion for our fellow men and women. Not just throwing money at them, but helping them with our own two hands. I know we can't completely rid our country of being money-based, but I think credit is something to use very sparingly. Until we realize that, I think we are in big trouble.

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