Saturday, April 10, 2010


I took a picture of this van in the Wal-mart parking lot just because I couldn't believe how full of trash it was. Literally, there was barely enough room to even see out the windows in there. My first thought was, "Wow, the owner of that car really doesn't need to be buying any more junk at Wal-mart." I know there is a disease in America called Hoarding, but I really don't have much sympathy for hoarders. This may seem cold and heartless to you readers, but if you think about it, only in America could we have a disease where a person has TOO MUCH STUFF. In some countries, people would kill to have even the tiniest amount of what a hoarder has. In America, we waste so many resources it is disgusting to me. Hoarders apparently have deep psychological issues that make them want to save everything. But WHY IS THERE SO MUCH AVAILABLE FOR THEM TO BUY IN THE FIRST PLACE? Does a person really need ten toasters and 200 pens? NO! The stores sell "newer and better" toasters every year, (which are really cheaper and more flimsy) and everyone in this country thinks they need to run out and buy a new one every year instead of living with their old, slightly dirty one. Do you understand the massive waste this creates?! I once had a teacher who asked, "What would you do if the garbage man stopped picking up everyone's trash?" If you are living in harmony with the environment, you don't have much trash to worry about. If not, the garbage starts to pile up EVERYWHERE. I know I am far from perfect, but my goal is to live my life so that I don't have to worry what I would do if the garbage man stopped coming.

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