My house is kind of close to a military base, and most of the time I don't mind it. But every once in a while, these creepy sirens will go off and on all day long and I feel like maybe the world is coming to an end. I'm sure it is just training drills or something like that, but it still feels ominous. Sometimes the sirens are followed by a voice on a loudspeaker. I can never tell what the voice is saying, but it sounds rather dictator-ish. Also, music will play sometimes, but it is not happy "let's go dance" kind of music. It's more like "anthem of civil war" type music. I can't make out the tune since it's as garbled as the dictator voice, but it's not pretty.
The only music I can hear for sure is "Reveille" at exactly 7:30 AM, and "Taps" at exactly 9:00 PM every day. Should I have put that in military time? Anyway, I may feel like I am stuck in an old war movie half the time, but at least I know when it is 7:30 in the morning or 9:00 at night. Thanks military!
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