Thursday, September 2, 2010


I have always been envious of people who know exactly what they want. You know, the sort of people who say things like,"Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a firefighter." or "I always knew I wanted three kids." What bliss and simplicity it must be. For me, and probably for many people, finding out what you want to do with your life is half the battle. After that it is all downhill because you just have to do it. Sure, many things are very difficult to achieve, but if you have a true passion for it, you are rewarded greatly. If you don't know what your passion is, then you could waste years or even your whole life trying things that don't make you happy in the end. Of course it also helps if you have some sort of natural talent associated with your passion. If your passion is to be an artist but you are horrible at art, you may also waste much of your life being frustrated at not being able to realize your passion. So, I guess, more accurately, I envy people who have a passion AND a talent. But if you have ever been to any kind of church, they always tell you that being envious is bad. Envy supposedly corrupts the soul and wastes time as well. So, I should probably get to work finding a passion because that seems to be the better of the two time wasters.

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