This weekend Mike and I went to Park City with some friends and I got this bracelet at the Fossil store -
Pretty cool, huh? I just wanted to share that because even though I am not a person who wears a lot of jewelry, I totally love this bracelet. It has just the right amount of shine and sparkle and it goes with almost anything. I would probably wear more jewelry if it was all that pretty and simple.
In other matters.....I have a confession to make. I don't like computers. I considered saying I "hate" computers, but as is often stated, "hate" is a strong word. Besides, I can appreciate all the things computers do to make people's lives better. I would just rather deal with them on a minimal basis myself. Computer class was the only class in high school I didn't get an 'A' in. Although it may seem extreme that I got so many A's, I don't think high school was terribly difficult. All you had to do was finish all your assignments and do good on tests, and I was good at that........except for computers. That was difficult for me.
You may be wondering what I don't like about computers since obviously I use them on a regular basis for this blog, e-mail, facebook, banking, games, photo and music storage and such. Well, first of all there is the actual hardware and software. I don't know a modem from a processor. I have no idea where files go when I save them. If I need to install something, forget about it. Mike and countess others have been very patient trying to teach me about these things, but I never seem to get past the stage of Computer Kindergartener. It's not anyone's fault really. My brain just rejects all computer knowledge.
The other thing I don't like about computers is many of them contain the internet. I know, I know. The internet is only like the greatest invention in the history of mankind. How could I not like it? Well, frankly, it scares me a little. I am one of those people who gets easily overwhelmed when you throw too much information my way, so I have to be really careful about what I take in. Give me too much information and pretty soon I'm balled up in corner sobbing because I couldn't learn Chinese, astrophysics, and brain chemistry in the space of two hours. The internet is about the worst place you can go if you get information overload. It is like hell in digital form. You may go on there just to check your e-mail, but before you know it it's 5 hours later and you haven't seen your e-mail, but you've seen a whole lot of other stuff you wish you could un-see.
So, yes, I use the computer and the internet, and, no, I don't wish they where never invented. But when it comes to computers, I like to keep things simple - Look something up here. Type something there. Any problems, refer to husband.