Do you ever feel like you just can't get ahead in life? Like you take one step forward and two steps back? That's how I feel sometimes. I'm not saying I don't control my own destiny, but there are also a lot of factors that are out of my control. The people who control those factors can be the most horrible people in the world. It doesn't matter because LIFE ISN'T FAIR. I know everyone has heard that before, but no one seems to think about it until life isn't going how you would like. When everything is going great in your life, you think life is fair. Tricky, tricky life. Life fooled you. But that is fine as long as life is always good to you. I think most people who have a good life only want to see that side of life. They don't want to think about the people who suffer and have suffered throughout history. Do we have to forget those who suffer to have a clear conscience and a enjoyable life?
I recently watched a documentary about a self-help guru who conducted retreats for people who paid a large sum of money to be taught by him. He basically taught that if you use positive thinking, the things you want will happen in real life. Kind of like, you think it and it becomes reality. The problem with that idea is - BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE. I'm sure there is some value in positive thinking. I think it makes you less stressed and overall happier with your life no matter how well your life may be going. But it is not everything. Case is point - At the guru's last retreat, three people died in a sweat lodge because they "thought" they could withstand the pain of breathing steam for an extended period of time. Positive thinking can't overcome physical limitations, so why would you believe it can overcome ALL limitations? I guess the moral of the story is - Be positive, but know your limitations. Life may not be fair, but don't let it get you down.
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