Thursday, December 16, 2010

Take A Break

Since when did it become commendable to not take breaks at work? It seems like so many people feel like they need to keep working and working because there is just so much work to do and so little time. But I think there is a reason there are laws about giving employees breaks. THEY ARE IMPORTANT. Why kill yourself for your job? Yes there are a lot of important jobs out there, but none of them will make the world come to a crashing halt if you sit down for 15 minutes. Why do we rush through life as if there is a prize for finishing first? Finishing first is just another way of saying dying, and I am in no rush to die. There will always be work to do, and yes, even work that is important to get done quickly. But, to me, there is no work as important as my peace of mind and happiness. Most people now live in a time and place where they are not forced to work every minute of their lives. So I say, appreciate it. Take advantage of it. Enjoy it. You are privileged, so why make yourself a slave?

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