What is it with every housewife in the country suddenly needing to write a blog about cooking, photography, crafting, and their kids? The story is always the same -
"Hi, I'm so-and-so and I have been married to my wonderful husband for 7 years and we have three overly cute children! I go to school and work and I'm a full time mom. There never seems to be enough hours in the day, but in my spare time I am able to blog, craft, cook, scrapbook, take photos, and do everything in the world! Thanks for stopping by my little old blog!"
Gag! I'm not sure why these blogs bug me so much because I still read them, and I am a blogger. The ultimate hypocrite. All I can say is I don't understand why they all seem to be so cookie-cutter, and why they all give off an impression of desperately trying to fill a void in their lives with crafts and blogging. Maybe I am the same (except for the crafting part), but at least I can recognize it. Most of these bloggers seem oblivious to their sameness and to the overall insignificance of what they do. Why not write about something that will make people think? Why not get over yourself and your perfect, crafty life for a second and write about bigger world issues?
We live in a time where every person seems to have an incredible need to show off their uniqueness and to be remembered after they are gone. Guess what? Very few people are truly unique and even fewer will be remembered in any significant way. All the blogs in the world won't change that. So why not accept that? Live your life for yourself and the ones you love, and stop worrying about posting your every thought, picture, and accomplishment on the internet. You know the importance of your life, so stop trying to get everyone else to validate it. What matters is not being remembered, but knowing in your own heart that your life is worthwhile.
I like cooking and crafts as much as anyone, but even I can see there is more to life. Are these women using their blogs as an escape from the real world, or are they trying too hard to preserve their own memory? Either way, I will probably still continue to read them, but only for a little bit of lite entertainment.
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