I know I am getting lazy about my blogging, but life has been pleasantly boring for most of the summer. As a child I never would have thought boring could be pleasant. But when you grow up and you know about all the bad things in the world, boring is like heaven because at least nothing bad is happening to you. I'm not sure if I believe in destiny or predestination, but I think things would be easier if I did. If I did believe in that and something bad happened to me, then I would know there was a reason for it - that it is all part of a bigger plan. If you don't believe in destiny, then there is no reason for bad things and you live in fear of the next bad thing popping up.
Like I said, I'm not really clear on what I believe yet, so I try to focus on the good times. When nothing is going badly, I milk it for all it's worth. I bask in it like it is my last happy moment. Some people may say that is somewhat hedonistic and maybe it is. But I think hedonists are only people who are afraid there is nothing after you die so they want to get the most out of life. In other words, they are only scared people who are trying to cope with their fear. Sometimes I am one of the scared people, but mostly I try to believe and pray there is a reason for bad things happening. That's really the only way to make it through the hard times because hedonism only works when things are good. During the bad times, it is a useless doctrine. If you are only hedonistic, you have nothing to get you through the hard times. That's why life is easier if you believe in destiny and a master plan - it helps to make the hard times more bearable.
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