I wanted to write about something that has been bugging me for a while, but now seems to downright irritate me. Some people overcome incredible challenges in life, and feel like they come to a place in life where they have a lot of things figured out and they know what is best for their own physical and mental well-being. Good for them. That is not what bothers me. What bothers me is when these same people start to gain an entitled, self-important attitude where they think they are better than others because they have supposedly "figured it out".
I think it is hard to spot these kind of people because they initially come off as caring, strong, and self-assured. They go to therapy, they meditate, they eat right, they work hard, they say the right things. They act like they have it all together, and maybe they do to some extent. But the longer you watch them the more you realize they are not as kind and put-together as they seem. They think they deserve the best because they have done everything "right". They think their way is the best way to live, and they look down on those who don't do the same. They start to think that they need constant success and accomplishments to be happy.
Now I may be a tiny bit jealous. I can admit that. I also may feel differently if I walked in their shoes. But here is my problem with these people from my perspective - They don't have life figured out. There is no such thing. They may have found something that works really well for them, but it is not perfect and it won't work for everyone. They also shouldn't expect a great life just because they have worked hard for it or become accustomed to it. Everyone and their brother likes to declare that "life isn't fair" when someone else doesn't get what they want. But when we work toward something we just expect that the "fair" thing will happen and we will get what we deserve. Working hard may put things in my favor, but it does not guarantee a favorable outcome.
I once read a quote that went something like, "A wise person never stops questioning. A fool will defend his point-of-view forever." I kind of feel like this describes the kind of people I am talking about. They have reached such a good place in their life that they forget that they should continually question what they are doing.
I know I probably won't change anyone's mind with my little post. I just wanted to vent my frustrations more than anything else. Just remember that just because something is working well for you, it doesn't mean you shouldn't question it.
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