Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I planned on posting sooner than this, but work has kept me sufficiently worn out. I literally sat down in front of the computer several times to start writing when I realized I couldn't keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds, let alone form a coherent thought. Also, I have been busy doing things like putting up a Christmas tree with Mike.

Isn't it gorgeous? It is a real one, so it smells fabulous as well. I think I am in love with it. Anyway, on to the next topic.

Sociology. What is that, you ask? Well let me give you a few definitions.

1. The study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.
2. The study of social problems.
3. The study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society.
4. Analysis of a social institution or societal segment as a self-contained entity or in relation to society as a whole.

I took a class in this subject in college, and before that time I had never even heard of sociology. I only took it because it was required for one of my credits, but the more I learned about it, the more fascinated I was by it. It was one of the few classes where I actually enjoyed reading the text book. Crazy, huh? I don't remember most of the specifics from the class because it was 11 years ago that I took it. (Whew, I can't believe it has been that long since I started college.) All I remember is that is was really interesting to me, and for some reason I am suddenly thinking about it again 11 years later. Strange.

One idea that I got from studying sociology is that the way a person turns out is a combination of two things - 1. Biology, and 2. The environment in which that person was raised. Sociology deals mostly with the environment part, and I am interested in that because the idea that the environment (such as society) can change who you are is so fascinating to me. For example, if I grew up in China, would I like the same foods, or the same music, or have the same beliefs about life? Maybe to some extent, but I doubt I would be the exact same person I am now. So it follows that we all, at least partially, are products of our environment. Our environment changes us! Just think about that. You may think you are in control of your environment, but did you ever think that your environment may control you?

So that is just a little sociology food for thought for you. What I described is more the micro side of sociology, however, I find the macro side of it just as interesting. I know I haven't done the subject justice in this post, but maybe I sparked a little curiosity so you will go out and learn more about sociology.

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