Friday, August 30, 2019

Manageable Changes

Posts are getting few and far between these days because chasing around a one-year-old is just as much work as everyone says it is. Also, we finally took the leap and moved into a new house! So far we are loving every bit of it. We love the three bathrooms, the central air, the open concept, and the separate living and bedroom spaces. Truly, I never thought I would be brave enough to move again since the last time we moved it was overwhelmingly stressful. But with lots of help and support from my lovely husband (and a little more support from anxiety medication), we were able to make the move with significantly less stress than last time.

Our new home is a town home, so I don't have to worry about taking care of the yard, which was a major hassle in our last place. It was built in 2000, which is much, much newer than our previous home which was built in 1902. Don't get me wrong, I love the character of historical homes, but I have decided over the years that I am no longer up for the quirks and problems that come with a house like that. Less character, for me, means less cleaning, headaches, and fixing. A fair trade in my book. Overall, it has been a pretty seamless transition.

Being a mother to a toddler, on the other hand, has had a few bumps in the road. Most of the time I am loving how cute he is and how he is learning and growing every day. But then there are those times when he wants to play with everything except his toys, and as soon as you clean up one thing he has already destroyed five more things. Those times make me want to crawl into the closet and scream for a little while. However, all in all, I love being a mother.

I'm hoping that going forward, I will be able to devote more time to blogging. Still, don't hold your breath. I have this little guy to attend to, and who couldn't love a face like this?

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