Wow. I just noticed my blog got 139 views yesterday. I don't know if people are actually reading it or just stumbled upon it by accident. Even though I know all my writing is out there for anyone to see, it's a little daunting to actually imagine that many people reading my little thoughts. All I can say is thanks for reading, and remember, be kind with me because I am not a professional by any means, and I may get things wrong more often than not. Also, just be kind to everyone, because everyone could use a little help and encouragement in this hard life.
The topic I was planning on writing about today is imitation. Not purposeful imitation like a little kid copying your every word or movement. No, this type of imitation is more gradual over time, and usually takes place without the imitator even knowing they are doing it. What I am talking about is when two people spend a lot of time together and, over time, one person starts to take on the characteristics of the other person. For example, if one person has a certain kind of walk, and the other person starts to walk the same way. Or, if one person uses a certain saying or word phrase often, and another person close to them starts to use the same wording.
I don't know if other people notice this much, but I see it all the time in people I am around frequently. They say imitation is the best form of flattery, but I have to say that in my eyes it is a bit annoying. Even when people don't know they are doing it, or ESPECIALLY when people don't know they are doing it. It just seems like people don't take the time to find out why they are using a specific term or phrase. They just jump on the bandwagon because people around them are saying something that way. I am more interested in people who are more original and who can think for themselves.
In the grand scheme of things, imitation is only a tiny annoyance, and I should really try to not be bothered by it. Heck, I've probably even done it a few times. However, if you catch yourself imitating someone, at least take a moment to stop and think about why you are doing it.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Friday, November 11, 2016
Uncertain Future
Just as I was beginning to accept the reality of a life without my beloved Beary, I received another shock - Donald Trump was elected president. Obviously, I am not a fan of him, and while I am not a fan of politics in general, I try to stay up-to-date on current events and important issues. All I can say about Trump is that I have never heard a positive thing about him. NEVER. That comes from a person who doesn't use the word "never" very often.
I can hardly fathom how any reasonable person would vote for such a disgusting human being who seems to have little knowledge of what it takes to run a country, and even less regard for the rights of the people in that country. I have read a few articles about the reasons why people voted for Trump, and from what I can gather, it's because they didn't like the way things where going and they wanted a drastic change, or they thought he was the lesser of two evils. If they wanted change, they will likely get it, but not in the way they want. I feel like many of those votes were cast carelessly with little thought of the future of our country or the competency of the leader. As for those who feel Trump was the lesser of two evils, I can't see how a racist, sexist, liar, who has already lost BILLIONS of dollars, could be the lesser of two evils. Maybe people see some terrible hidden evil in Hillary that I am just blind to. But in Hillary I see a reasonable person who makes mistakes and missteps. In Trump I see an unreasonable person who lacks the basic skills and even compassion to be an effective leader.
Will Trump do harm to our country? Only time will tell. My hope is that our system of checks and balances will stop him from doing anything too outrageous. (However, I never thought he would get this far in the first place. I thought people would easily see what a self-centered, hopelessly greedy, and horrible person he is.) But the bigger problem here is not that Trump will be president. It's that he is what the people wanted and voted for. In my eyes, there is something seriously wrong in this country if millions of people can identify with a man like Trump. It makes me scared, to be honest. Not of Trump, but of all the people and what they think is best for our future, and the future of the entire planet. Apparently, I was mistaken if I thought the American people would recognize a fraud and make a sensible decision. What else are they willing to do? It is truly frightening to think that I could be surrounded by those who listless about the future, or angry enough to do harm to others.
I am not normally a naysayer, or doomsday worrier, or pessimist. But this current election has made me very worried about what the future holds for a country that seems to have forgotten about kindness, civility, and love for all human beings. I hope with all my heart that good will prevail. Otherwise, I am already lost.
I can hardly fathom how any reasonable person would vote for such a disgusting human being who seems to have little knowledge of what it takes to run a country, and even less regard for the rights of the people in that country. I have read a few articles about the reasons why people voted for Trump, and from what I can gather, it's because they didn't like the way things where going and they wanted a drastic change, or they thought he was the lesser of two evils. If they wanted change, they will likely get it, but not in the way they want. I feel like many of those votes were cast carelessly with little thought of the future of our country or the competency of the leader. As for those who feel Trump was the lesser of two evils, I can't see how a racist, sexist, liar, who has already lost BILLIONS of dollars, could be the lesser of two evils. Maybe people see some terrible hidden evil in Hillary that I am just blind to. But in Hillary I see a reasonable person who makes mistakes and missteps. In Trump I see an unreasonable person who lacks the basic skills and even compassion to be an effective leader.
Will Trump do harm to our country? Only time will tell. My hope is that our system of checks and balances will stop him from doing anything too outrageous. (However, I never thought he would get this far in the first place. I thought people would easily see what a self-centered, hopelessly greedy, and horrible person he is.) But the bigger problem here is not that Trump will be president. It's that he is what the people wanted and voted for. In my eyes, there is something seriously wrong in this country if millions of people can identify with a man like Trump. It makes me scared, to be honest. Not of Trump, but of all the people and what they think is best for our future, and the future of the entire planet. Apparently, I was mistaken if I thought the American people would recognize a fraud and make a sensible decision. What else are they willing to do? It is truly frightening to think that I could be surrounded by those who listless about the future, or angry enough to do harm to others.
I am not normally a naysayer, or doomsday worrier, or pessimist. But this current election has made me very worried about what the future holds for a country that seems to have forgotten about kindness, civility, and love for all human beings. I hope with all my heart that good will prevail. Otherwise, I am already lost.
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